Wednesday 24 September 2014

10 Basic Interview Tips for Freshers

“Interview”... Sounds exciting or scary...! Well, it’s a word that gives you mixed feelings, excitement for new opportunities. It also scares you at the same time because you are unaware of the person you are going to face. The thing is not to get nervous when you hear the “interview” word as it’s just a small test conducted to determine whether you are eligible for the organization or not.  Here are basic but useful 10 tips that a fresher must refer before appearing for an interview.

1. Dress-up for Success:  “First impression is Last impression”, you must have heard this phrase. Interviewer makes first judgment based on what you wear and how you look? Conservative two-piece business suit or long-sleeved shirt can be best, along with polished shoes and well-groomed hairstyle. Nails should be trimmed & clean and wear light cologne. Carry a briefcase or portfolio case.
2. Research about the company: It is advisable that, before appearing for an interview; you must do some research about the company and gather as much information as you can. Get your facts right likes:  history of the firm, products and services they offer etc.  Lastly, Google about the company, just to know what others think about the firm.
3. Preparation for your interview round: First and foremost, read your resume properly. The interviewer may ask questions which are based according to the resume you provided, it's imperative that you know everything what it holds. Interviewers give you chance to ask questions, so prepare them in advance. Prove yourself, don’t lose the opportunity. Rehearse and look forward to the obvious questions during the interview.
4. Eye Contact:  Eye contact can be crucial for an interviewer to judge your confidence. So it is advisable to make frequent eye contact during the interview and reflect some amount of confidence in your eyes.
5. Keep yourself calm: Being a fresher, it is obvious that you might get nervous and conscious. Hide your nervousness and keep yourself calm. Relax, all the interviewers are human being too, not an alien or monster!!
6. Be Honest, Be Interested; Be Yourself:  “Honesty is the best policy”, keep that in mind. During the interview, don’t try to lie or bluff the person sitting in-front of you. You don’t need to act being someone else, just be yourself. Be honest while answering, and if you don’t know the answer, just tell them.

7. Answer direct and clear: Present your thoughts as clearly as you can. If needed, use examples for stating your ideas. Don’t be over wordy and keep your answers to the point.

8. Feel free to say sorry: It is a good sign of showing your professionalism. Feel free to say “sorry “whenever and wherever it’s necessary.  Whether you couldn’t hear the question properly or, if you don’t know the answer.

9. Answer politely to the interviewer:  You can always address the interviewer with Sir or Ma’am. You can also address them with their names like, “Mr. Carl” or “Miss Stacy”. Don’t ever use terms like Dude, Bro, Buddy, Honey, Girl etc.

10. Don’t be Afraid to ask for clarification: After completing the interview, thank the interviewer for his/her time and ask for their feedback or any clarifications(if any).
Good Luck.

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